This young man shot his father and wounded his mother today after an argument for a wall in their yard

This young man shot his father and wounded his mother today after an argument for a wall in their yard

15:40, 24/07/2017
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This young man is Mirald Metallari, 21, who killed his father Miftar Metallari, 55, today, in Tirana. He told police he shot his policeman father after an argument about a concrete wall in the yard in front of their house in the borough of Bathore.

The 21-year-old is in custody in Tirana’s police department, where he said he made the murder under a strong psychological shock after the debate with his father.

His mother, 47, was also wounded by the bullets, but he insists he never wanted to shoot her and did everything to send her to the hospital. Sources from police say he asks repeatedly about the health conditions of his mother Nurie.


    Lexo edhe:


    XXL24/07/2017 16:21

    Te vrase biri te atin per nje fjale goje!!! Ku ka arritur situata, bej femije qe neser te te haje koken! Tmerr.! C'mund te beje ai njeri kur te nesermen te dale nga burgu?!

    Shkodran24/07/2017 15:43

    Babain apo nenen more

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