Exposure of the police operation, IM Xhafaj says the Internal Affairs had no knowledge of it till November 22

Exposure of the police operation, IM Xhafaj says the Internal Affairs had no knowledge of it till November 22

12:39, 25/11/2017
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Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj said the three police officials which the Prosecution for Serious Crimes has released arrest warrants for had not been under police survey. The minister said the service of the internal affairs was not in the know of the prosecution’s acts or decisions up to November 22.

“All I can say is that, as far as November 22, the internal affairs had no knowledge about the case. The police did not hold the three police officials under survey. If you want to know who held them under survey, you must ask the Prosecution”, Xhafaj told media reporters.

Asked about the operation exposure, the Interior Minister said he would do the right thing had he had concrete names from the police ranks.

Xhafaj added the arrest of the wanted persons is a daily duty of police and underlined the operation for the arrest of the three former police officials at large was not within the framework of the operation “The Force of Law”.

© SYRI.net

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asqeri25/11/2017 15:39

pse prokuroria nuk jep nje fabul apo nje prove ? kujt i sherben arrestimi ketyre oficereve ? Habilajve ju kap ngarkesa e pare ne tetor 2013 gati 1 ton e gjys!!! ku e gjeten ?? kush drejtor policie i ndihmoi? Kjo eshte gjueti shtrigash e paster dhe e qarte. Turp kryeministri qe hesht ministri brendeshem qe nuk kerkon llogari pse arrestohen vartesit e tij??!! ca provash ka dhe cfare esht ky proces i stisur. Boll mbollet peme se po ju a pret plepat Saliu o te mjere .

Ilir25/11/2017 13:36

Opa... dekospiracion brenda radheve te prokurorise nga dhalla

Festim gjata25/11/2017 13:26

Po ca pune do bej prokuroria aman kur fle gjum ai qe kan per kryeprokuror

Tela Gjiko25/11/2017 13:20

Njesoj si rasti i pare qe dekobspirojaksionin edhe tani prokuroria e kalbur po ben te njejten gj.

Bela hasa25/11/2017 13:16

Ja pse duhet te zhduken kta lloj prokuroresh qe nuk bejn detyren.

armit avduaj25/11/2017 13:15

Kjo jan ato rastet kur del ne pah kalbja e sistemit gjyqesor

Dorian Dori25/11/2017 13:04

Prokuroria vetem per te ngatarruar pune, ne vend qe te bashkunoj dhe te tregohet transparente ben qe puna te bllokohet.

Xhevat Halimi25/11/2017 12:59

vullneti i institucioneve nuk mungon aspak. Operacioni forca e ligjit i ka dhen efektet e para dhe besoj shume shpejt do te ket operacione te tjera te suksesshme

Artan duka25/11/2017 12:58

cdo person qe shkel ligjin do te ndeshkohet. Kjo eshte detyra e policise dhe deri me tani eshte bere mjafte mire me operacionet

Ben vreko25/11/2017 12:57

Prisni nuk behen operacionet per 3 dit dreqi e mori. Cdo gje do kohen e vet

Petrit Tonini25/11/2017 12:55

prokuroria te bej detyren, mos te kerkoj qiqra ne hell nga policia brenda nates. Secili operacion do kohen e tij

Behar Zavalani25/11/2017 12:54

Besoj shume shpjet cdo grup kriminal do te zhduket nga terrotori i shqiperise dhe do te shkoj aty ku e meriton. Eshte vetem ceshtje kohe dhe asgje tjeter.

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